Zu Gast im Museum Folkwang mit einem Vortrag über meine Arbeit an der Schnittestelle von Kunst, Kybernetik und Technologie. Anlass war die Konferenz ‚New Landscapes NFTs and the Museum‘ die begleitend zur Eröffnung von Rafaël Rozendaals Show ‚Color, Code, Communication‘ am 20. und 21.April 2023 statt fand.

The 2-day symposium NEW LANDSCAPES. NFTs AND THE MUSEUM will present new collecting strategies and curatorial concepts of NFTs in museums, analyse ethics and dynamics of DAOs as well as generative work in analogue and digital space, in short: it is about a critical examination of NFTs, blockchain and new technologies. The symposium will focus on the new way art museums deal with NFTs and what this can mean for the future of museums, from new collection concepts and legal innovations to questions of restitution. The symposium will be accompanied by two workshops and will be held entirely in English.

Vortrag beginnt ca bei Minute 58. Viel Vergnügen.

Mit Dank an das Team des Museum Folkwang